Our favorite reads for 2024

HML’s library staff share their favorite book read recently.

The starling house book coverThe Starling House by Alix E. Harrow

This gothic fantasy was exactly my cup of tea. Alix E. Harrow's storytelling had me hooked, and the narrator brought the characters and atmosphere vividly to life. The plot weaves together a compelling love story with hints of mystery and the allure of a possibly haunted house. The characters were engaging, and I loved that there wasn't just one central couple, but a richer exploration of relationships. The Starling House itself is a fascinating character, and the story explores themes of family legacy, small-town secrets, and the power of stories. It's a magical and atmospheric read that left me wanting more. I can't wait to delve into Alix E. Harrow's other works! (Brittany)


The woman in me coverThe Woman in Me by Britney Spears

While I expected a tell-all full of bitterness, I was surprised by Britney Spears' gracious tone throughout "The Woman in Me." She recounts the challenges of her career and personal life, openly discussing the impact of the conservatorship and the media scrutiny she faced. While she clearly names those who wronged her, she does so without resorting to personal attacks. This approach gives the book a sense of strength and resilience, rather than anger. For fans of Britney, "The Woman in Me" provides valuable insight into her experiences behind the scenes of the tabloid headlines. It's a compelling read that sheds light on the complexities of fame and the importance of reclaiming your narrative. (Brittany)